Ascension: Physical and Dimensional Changes
This is Michael Mirdad, coming to you with another live presentation. This is our spiritual insights, Friday Spiritual Insights with Michael Mirdad. And, there's been a there's been a lot of activity, not just the birds, but there's been a lot of activity, feedback, questions from people about some of the things we've shared recently. We had some you know really great talks as always.
We do our Sunday morning 9:45 Pacific time, and then we also have these Friday sharings. So one of the topics that's really intrigued people lately, we've done these ones about about our heritage ,our spiritual heritage, where we've come from you know. So you might want to look back on Youtube or on Facebook to look back a little ways to see some of the presentations.
But there's a difference the sunday are the sunday ones our Sunday secret services they're there the certain topics that we can go to there that we don't do on Fridays and vice versa but the Fridays are a little bit more broad in some respects just in some respect but both have really really wonderful things so just check them out if you feel called but I think it was a Friday or two ago plus a little bit on the Sundays recently where I was talking about you know are addressing the questions some of you had sent in around the state of where we are right now in the world the
sensitivities and challenges and you know just whatever else it you know it's it's it's really interesting because not just we as individuals but even groups like a family or it could be a region it could be a nation and it can even be collectively the world where where larger numbers of people go through what we call the dark night of the soul and the dark night of the soul incidentally is not a term I made up so some people credit me is that because I talk about it maybe more than most or understand it and maybe more than most but the dark
night of the soul is is an ancient term it was a mystic it was a term used by mystics to indicate a couple of different things one is this complex bizarre period in our lives where it seems like everything falls apart or most everything falls apart so it's not like just having a bad period in your life it's it's or phase in your life it's like something more complex it's like there's a lot of things falling apart and you know folks are going along I don't understand why this is happening that's one symptom of it so it describes
the complexities of many layers many things changing or falling apart in our lives I call it a period of dismantling so it's a period in our life where things are being dismantled now the other aspect from a mystic standpoint is because the Mystics wouldn't look at it and say oh woe is me you know things are kind of falling apart a mystic would say actually I'm going into a deep process and the deep processes were looked to be especially in the Middle Ages as an alchemical process where all of my denser material physical human parts of
me are being tried by fire purged if you will and what comes after that is distilled gold essence you know essence the sweetness that's remaining after that the process and most of us when we're in the process we're not aware of any sweetness nor do we want to know about any sweetness because it isn't felt we're not it we're not in the dark night to feel sweet things in it to be tested to understand what if there is no sweetness can you still maintain your Center just I'm just gonna have to be brief with all this because we've
repeated this before but it's quite beautiful quite astounding but it doesn't feel very good so on the planet we are going through a sort of dark night of the soul one of the ways we understand the dark night of the soul is to think of it as almost like a Saturn return in astrology well we're not having us returned collectively per se but we are having a Saturn retrograde and so it just you know it means that we're we're going back over old stuff that we might have left on yield or some bits and
pieces that we have to to work on this much I've repeated there recently so again I'm going to leave it at that now launching into something new how does this connect to the Ascension because some people are saying when is the Ascension please get get over that when is the Ascension stuff it's not because I'm saying that it doesn't exist I'm saying be careful with the give me a date the kind of attitude when is the Ascension is like saying you know how much do you love me I want you to measure it you know give
me give me an exact is it 68.5% you know watch out for that because that's a very human linear ego based way of thinking forget the starting date how about looking at the idea that you're already in it and it's a process not an event it's a process healing is a process it's not an event some people go okay wait am I done to my he'll when they're working on traumas of the past sometimes you do have visceral epiphanies like major shifts like wow I feel totally different that's great but that's even that is still part of an
ongoing process because you might have another epiphany six months from now you might have lots of little ones thirty of them between that time and so on the same goes for being intimate and what what is taught in sacred sexuality is to stop stop racing after an orgasm and experience love with a person you're with including yourself so there's metaphors of that mean you know don't don't start looking for in tagging a date on the Ascension I want this to happen I want this to happen that's not being a good lover it's not
being a good person to yourself you know raising a child and saying you know hi you know I can't wait till you become a healer some day and they're like well mom I'm like one can I live first it's it's like just allow the process you know so onwards and upwards from there so ascension is not a date please but it is a process and we are in it technically you could say we've been in the process planet Terra Lee of the ascension for a long time but most definitely for how long do you think try two thousand years once
Christ was attained to a new level on planet Earth it essentially freed everybody up to experience the ascension to a new level now it's up to us to kind of own it so it's kind of like saying that in the illusion of time the ascension already happened it's already happened and technically in one regard you could say it happened 2,000 years ago in another regard you could say it happens the very moment time began time also ended and that sounds really out there for some but the Ascension never it was even needed because we never even
descended in the illusion of time it looks like we did but in the big picture spiritually there is no time and none of it happened but that's another story so in the illusion of time two thousand years ago it was activated to a whole new level which is quite cool right now since then you could say it's now becoming more and more visceral why because we not only activate it a couple thousand years ago now we're entering the Aquarian age where you and I are starting to sense it even more well here's the bad news
not really bad news I use that as a figure of speech so you know not to take such words so seriously as some people do but so now we have to consider this this this whole thing this whole process ascension Wow what does it mean it means we are going to higher dimensionality we're going into higher experience higher consciousness and a lot of people are sitting around you know well standing on mountaintops drumming drums ringing gongs blowing didgeridoo the Ascension is coming you know you look like the people out on the what's that
movie about the UFOs you know Independence Day I think there's a scene in there where all the the new agey UFO people got up on a building to welcome the aliens and they all got wiped out so we're not looking for that and I'm not saying that's totally out of line but it just you know bear with me what I'm saying is that you cannot ascend to higher consciousness that you are not already owning within yourself you can't be a moron and become a mystic you know forgive the terms but that's just me okay so you can't go more onto mystic it
doesn't work you have to become more of the thing you're looking for we are the change that we're looking for in the world right we are the change so you become that thing so what I'm saying in that is that we're gonna go to higher dimensionality true and we are in the process of that that's true and we are going to see an actual planetary shift physically geologically environmentally politically all these areas are dying some people are so upset about the world and politics and whatever why they're they don't even exist
I mean why get upset about they're dead they're all they're doing is proving how worthless they are why do you want a different person in office why do you want a different rules or laws running around on this planet why do you want different rules you know play it out these things are illusions they'll come and go but matters is your consciousness our consciousness and so if I want to you know attain a fifth dimensional consciousness then I have to start thinking fifth dimensionally you know who are you to say I can't wait for the
fifth dimensional consciousness and then damn the person in office damn the person who makes up these rules of this or that your taxman damn your boss for not paying you more you know it's just it's it's all very hypocritical so we have to embody the changes we have to welcome and here's what I was leading to when I said sort of the bad news not only can you not attain a new dimensionality that you don't own within yourself but the universe the way this all works universally is the universe says hello
beloved's are you ready because there's a there's a global movement towards a higher dimension we're like yes we're unconsciously we're like yes we're at some of us consciously but like we're like yes we're ready so the universe says great so if you won't mind I'm just gonna help you remove some of the parts of you that are not quite there oh no no don't be removing anything I want to still have my addictions I still want to have my you know obsessions I still want
to have my anger toward certain people that I think wronged me and I'm not talking about that I'm wrong in you for feeling hurt in your life I'm talking about the people that claim that they're forgiving and still resent people they claim they're loving and they still backstep people betray people and so on you can't be doing those behaviors and expect any kind of ascension you know all you'll get is a trapdoor back to earth and have to do it again and if the earth is no longer in the third dimension and it's gone to some other
you know higher dimension hell you're gonna come back as a cockroach on Mars but you're still gonna have to work on your stuff so you can't you know you can't escape yourself all right so so we have a job to do which is clearing out the the weight that we hold that keeps us from higher consciousness higher dimensionality now this is gonna get really interesting because logically wouldn't you go from the third dimension to the fourth not the fifth and a lot of people are saying oh we're going to go
to the fifth dimension they're partly right they're partly wrong the reason you can and you can't go from third to fifth you don't go for three third to fifth because there's a fourth in there what are you trying to get away from you know you're trying to get away with for that matter it's like oh can I just go to seventh I'll skip fifth why don't you just go back to heaven and you know it's like I'm in third grade and I want to go to high school it doesn't make any sense
you know I'm gonna fake it I'll just get my papers of altered and fake it but you're not mature enough you don't even look like a high score and in our case you're not 5th dimensional you're not seventh dimension you can't fake that however the reason we can go from third to fifth there's there there are answers to these things people throw these out there and they don't even understand you're gonna go from third to fifth how you can't logically but unless you
understand the real process which is this when we're in the third dimension like we are here we are living the third and fourth dimension simultaneously that's why when we pass over from the mortal life like death some of us if we if we want to we pass over we're in the astral world the fourth dimension is the astral world and it's right here so the astral world is actually here which is why ghosts can be around us souls can be around us for a while anyway because the fourth dimension is here every time you sleep
at night you enter the fourth dimension you are 80% in the fourth dimension 20% I'm still on the third dimension it depends on what level of sleep your hands once you go into REM sleep rapid eye movement sleep you're really pretty much in the fourth dimension your body all your body vitals change your breath you know respiration obviously you know the heart rate all this all this changes because you are almost dying in in a good way you're sort of dying of the physical you went into the astral world so we
actually live simultaneously in the third dimension and fourth dimension here when we're alive on earth when we pass over we go far more now literally a hundred percent let's say 90 something to 100% in the astral world and laying down the body the rest of the way and there's a little a Clementi kind of period acclimate rather where you you know you shift the rest of the way to to fully be in the astral world but we are in the astral world even though we're here right now if you if you're in a different time zone and you're watching
this but you're kind of half kind of sleeping you're already part way in the fourth dimension even while we're sitting here and I'm consciously awake I'm 80% conscious physical third dimension there dimension but there's still 20% of me in the astral world give or take and when I sleep like I said 80% astral 20% physical makes sense so and it and it varies because if you're a really dreamy person and you're kind of out of your body you might be a little more in the astral world then it's safe to I don't think they're ever gonna put
this on driver tests you know when they say okay I you know look at this is that an E and a B and a you know they're I test you know and also do you wear glasses and do you have any health conditions and do you tend to be in your astral body too much you know I don't think they're gonna do that anytime soon but they probably should because some people space out some people just drift even when they're driving and so on and so on right so that's what the this is the story in a nutshell the third and fourth dimension that's why we can even
while we're on earth we can move into the fifth dimension but only if you've cleared out your third dimension and fourth dimensional issues so you can't go from third to fifth you must also process your third dimensional stuff like hates hurts Greed's material isms of the third dimension but also fourth dimensional stuff so third dimensional stuff fourth dimensional stuff are actually being done simultaneously right totalling number seven for good reason but okay so we're we're like
clearing all these bits out well how do I know if I'm clearing the fourth dimension well a Saturn retrograde will help you with that because it already starts to pull you in ways certain times in certain ways during the day pulls you into fourth dimensional stuff well how do you know that well of course the obvious which would be you know you're pulled you feel these astral body kinds of experiences in your dream state or whenever it happens to be that's when you obviously know it but even if you don't know it let me explain this you
can be a really kind of a just a dense practical person not real spaced out not a little forth dimensional but issues are going to be brought up while you're just sitting having tea or doing your taxes or whatever day by day things you do you'll still be getting pulled into fourth dimensional stuff you might notice that it's dimensionality that's happening but you might only see it as a motion because the emotional body is the same as the emotional world which is the same as the astral world which is the same as the fourth dimension they're all
connected so when you're working on emotional issues you're working on your fourth dimensional stuff which is why when you go to sleep at night you sometimes have dreams related obviously to your emotional stuff like is often said when you go to sleep at night your first dreams are usually going to be about what you were thinking about when you went to bed why because you've got emotion attached to it you got frustrations or whatever else that happens to be desires and wishes and so you're you're kind of purging that when
you go to sleep and hopefully by the time you wake up that would have shifted but not for everybody because you might still be obsessing on the same stuff even when you go to wake up that would not be a really deep efficient form of sleeping would it so it's all kind of cool if you think about it third dimension to fourth dimension they're being worked on at the same time so I'm here I'm getting it you know like I just randomly have this thought come you know and then this feeling come and there's another way to know which is
also related to trauma the fact that I'm doing an online course right now we're just starting it you can join us if you want but on healing the heart and soul I swear to God that was not conscious I was not aware that Saturn was going retrograde when I you know pinned that on a calendar hey I think we ought to do this this online course it just happened because when you're living kind of in the zone when you're when you're just saying you know guide me God all these things kind of work through you you know so think positive synchronicities so
that happened so 3rd 4th dimension it's like we're working on it when we do the online course we're working on it when recently we did a core ton online course on healing or issues around sacred section around sexuality and of course called sacred sexuality so it's about healing lately it's like isn't that interesting we could have done something on mastery could have done something on Christ consciousness but instead what we did it was really about fourth dimensional / astral / emotional issues and and so God unbeknownst to me God was
guiding me to help myself and everyone else through a deeper level of a purging process in clearing so that were more and more ready for higher dimensionality and I'm certainly not the only one there's other you know people knowingly and unknowingly helping people get to that in that preparation towards higher consciousness so we're gonna be moving towards you know 5th dimension because 3rd and 4th are being worked on simultaneously now on another note I mentioned this in the recent talk on this as well we could call this maybe
part two but it stands alone and that is we're three dimensional beings and you can imagine the most dense dense just base people are still even though they should be higher versions it would be like using a computer with Windows 1.0 you know or whatever if there's such a thing it's like well how would that how would that work with today's technologies and programs and so forth probably wouldn't be that user-friendly maybe wouldn't have the speed maybe wouldn't have the ability to adapt to new things but
that's the same with people 3.0 man 3.1 not really great I mean it is what it is but it's just it's not speaking of high volumes of consciousness nor ascension consciousness but ok fine 3 3.1 3.2 you know really base 2 is getting better you know but 3 starts to kind of shift it to where you're going from really being ultra base to something maybe a little more cognitive a little more thinking a little more open 3.
3 let's say and then in a give give or take a little and then once you start getting to 3 point 4 and 5 it's it's probably what you would have seen more 50 years ago the shift happening around 1958 Edgar Cayce pinned the date around 1960 other people but around around 1960 is when a wave of new consciousness started coming or 1958 like I said is Edgar Casey's date a new wave of souls were coming in and it doesn't mean if you were born in 57 you missed it you could have been early or it could have been just freewill you decided to wake up so it doesn't matter you know we're not trying to make
anybody special but we're saying that the times are unique the times not the people the people it's it's free well you can be born in the highest of times and choose to be a jerk and you can be born in the lowliest of times and choose to be the Christ as Jesus chose in a very dark time on earth you know the Romans were not really the kindest and people were oppressed races genders everything was just off in some of its most extreme stuff and he chose to be the Christ in that time so it's pretty well but you know the around 1960 give
or take a new wave of people started incarnated and this is what's interesting is that if you're watching this likely you're born around that time it doesn't matter if you were born 10 or 20 years later or even 10 years earlier than that but you're born around that time if you're born around that time there's a likelihood that and this is kind of important for your heart to hear which is you're not old school but you're not the tomorrow group yet the folks that get to live the perks of the fifth dimension nor are you really the
3.0 3.1 type people from the old school we're the ones that are saying you know what let's go in and instead of taking hundreds of years to move up one you know point three point one to three point two it took hundreds of years let's go and you just really screw up the whole thing in a good way let's go mess with it all let's go in and move up a couple notches within one generation and so we came in and said yeah 3.
34 let's keep going you know no limits that holds sixties things you know no limits love you know and all that and some of that was misused and abused but but you know it was it really was true there was something new happening so leaders from other lifetimes that knew about freedom and peace and equality it came incarnated again to help bring that message through some of us stepped into political positions and plant to seed they're not usually the big names you know they're not usually the big names they're people like Jimmy Carter let's say it would be maybe one example
where you know he wasn't presidential material because he wasn't an ass you know he wasn't he just wasn't the type to just be cold and and calculating he didn't fit into that he's still building homes for poor people with his bare hands I mean you know I don't know if he's doing that to this day but he was still doing that all these years you know so quite beautiful but that that's what was part of this new this new group this new energy and there were some other people politicians that a lot of us don't even remember would have heard
of because they didn't do the ego thing so they didn't get all the fame you know and acclaim their humility level but lots of us came in during this time to be this it was spiritual leaders artists or whatever it happens to be musicians The Beatles you know bringing in all you need is love instead of you know roll over Beethoven you know good fun rock and roll but what's the message there you know so all of a sudden something deep we went from teen angel you know really teen angel it has the word angel but no there's not a
lot of depth there teen angel drama and trauma humans men and there are three point to consciousness and we went from that to turn off your mind relax and float downstream it is not dying you know lay back and surrender to the void that this is you know a Beatle lyric right so it's like you gotta be kidding me a completely different thing within a few years so that's what you and I are here to do make a transition don't wait to go to the fifth dimension be it live it here now now this is actually kind of interesting because
three point three four or five weird part of that jumping those numbers you know limitless consciousness that's what we're doing and as we start to move what by the time you start getting to like three point seven which is some of us are already there and some not but some of us are there the majority are not but it's there okay we're there some of us three point seven once you start getting there you actually are becoming more ethereal that doesn't mean you're starting to become totally transparent but that could
happen but you become less dense so you'll still appear because you're in the three number system three point number system so you're still a human you're still visible but you're almost a little bit in the astral world but yet here and that's why this Saturn retrograde right now is bringing some of us in and out of that world for me it's been really trippy because you know I mean for some people to be like oh I know this I've done this on drugs except that you're doing it through a negative form a negative meaning it has negative
effects on your system without people knowing it when you do it in because it's your consciousness is ready that's profound so there's this certain amount of like wow you know to to new levels going into dark places because that's necessary to uproot stuff then afterwards you come out and you're going wow it feels like I'm in an ethereal now ethereal is kind of cool because you just feel just tuned in like wow I'm looking around me I love you know the greenery and the fairies hanging and the chimes and the bird life I mean this is
my life this I have this right in my yard and I put it all here you know create your reality I'd put it all here over time a plant here and a plant there and it built into something as I could afford to do it a plant here plant there and here we go there you create something divide and conquer man change your life make it better don't wait for somebody to do it for you just put it together assemble a better life so a little at a time and you'll see that it amounts to something right so I consider uncle God
this is and the love of it the appreciation of it it's very ethereal the astral simultaneous astral experiences simultaneous two three-dimensional those are trippy because you feel not just wow that vibrations and the ethereal you feel a bit like like a ghost you know like in the movie ghosts or any of those kinds of movies where you're here but people can't hear you or see you now that might literally be that people don't seem to see you but it might be more figurative it might be that you're
not even talking to anybody for them to not see you or see you but it might be that you just feel that way you know are we connecting at all am I making sense at all you know it's surreal so so it's quite interesting but that's happening to you it's happening to me but you may or may not see it or notice it so just try to be aware and see if it's happening do you feel a little you know out there in a sense looks like you're in a dream world because that's the astral world it's almost like being in a dream where you're dreaming something's
happening nobody else in the room's having the same experience so it's kind of like that see it as wow this is trippy and just kind of observe maybe make some notes and maybe share thoughts and comments concerns about it with groups like this okay so heading towards a clothes that's what's happening with the three point as we go higher the three point such-and-such we're becoming more ethereal adding to that it also means you're body doesn't know what to do if your body is becoming more ethereal it
doesn't know what to do with food it doesn't digest so you're not supposed to eat and go to sleep why because when you're going into being 80% astral body not in your physical body how are you going to digest your physical food when you're in your astral body it doesn't make sense that's why it is that you're not supposed to sleep when you've got a full stomach you can't digest using Chinese medicine you could say it's because you don't have actually your Chi is not in the digestive organs to help you with that
the food in that moment so it can't digest properly which is why a lot of people when they eat and go to sleep they'll have disturbing dreams the dreams are not disturbing what's happening is your body is disturbed because it's fighting its warring inside to digest food that it can't digest so it's conflicted and you're having a conflicting dream and it's the same with emotions if you go to you know sleep with an emotional turmoil just like the turmoil of digesting food when you can't digest it's the same with emotion so
right now you know people are being plagued with these the the veils are dropping between the three third world dimension and the fourth and the third and the fifth and the fourth and the fifth the veils are starting to drop so it's like the veils are thinning so all of a sudden I'm not dense enough to digest food like I used to I'm not dense enough to experience a B and C like I used to you know so all of a sudden well what do I do and there's not a really clear answer it's not like you you know I don't you know I hope
none of you go out and do this but it's like we we almost could just release the ethereal diet instead of the vegetarian or whatever the ethereal that because our bodies just don't know what to do anymore with these foods you can't go out and say let's do the ethereal that because you're not totally ethereal either so what are you gonna become a breatharian okay great but you're still partly physical so if you don't eat and you say oh I'm just becoming so ethereal you know get on the ice cream diet it's just how fun is that right can't go
wrong with that but but you're also physical so where's the protein or there's the complex proteins and where are the things the essentials you're going to need for your what's remaining to be a physical body so yeah you kind of have to know the truth but respect the illusion you kind of have to know yeah I am becoming a little more ethereal and then respect the illusion and still eat however on Monday you eat and no problem because you're maybe denser today vibro wise and so you adapted and you you know ate those foods
and you did fine with them a day later it might not digest because you're a little more on the other side of the veil where there isn't food of that density or vibration so man it becomes what what you could say just you know mind breaking it's like it's just so unpredictable and that's precisely how you would describe this that's how you describe the dark night of the soul but I'm not saying this is all dark night I'm just saying the dark night means going into deeper recesses to purge out things but how much are we going to
purge out and for how long is this going to last and then where do you where you going to land once it's done there is no answer because you cannot move into the fifth dimension while being controlling at the same time okay okay got that so I'm going to go ahead and stop being controlling I'm just gonna trust and let go and let God sounds easy you know I'll just do that but it's not that easy when you put it into practice because it's so convoluted I'm gonna let go and let God you still have relations to deal with one day
you're feeling one way and you talk to your you know friend partner whatever they are employees or what whoever they are and certain wave of conversation works the next day it doesn't work the next day you say something them you know whatever they're there they're there crying because you said boo or vice versa they need you to be stronger this day when yesterday they were crying when you said but how do you keep up with this it's insane by definition it's sort of insane nothing makes sense which end is out we're not in Kansas anymore toto
I mean it's like you could say this a million different ways and when we sit down and stop slow down and understand it you know when we just pause or slow things down to understand it it is quite amazing I still would say still sometimes frustrating confusing because we're still here we still have jobs to have we still have bills to pay you can't say hi listen phone company listen don't know if you heard but we're more ethereal now won't be needing any bills they might say great we believe that so you're not gonna need your phone
anymore either right click and you have no phone so we have to deal with these things as practically as possible and I said this several times over the last couple of weeks try to still reach out to friends to groups you know hey everyone how how you doing with this wow you know here's how I dealt with that somebody else has a great idea I'll try that you know help each other just kind of micro adjustments with each other so that we we take each other higher to higher dimensions by you know giving examples of how you were patient today
how you were confused today and how you dealt with the confusion what are you doing with intimacy I don't know you know my my body just doesn't seem to have as many needs that way others are gonna be like I actually feel more of a need that way there's no right answer to this this is not gonna be one answer everybody stop eating stop having sex everybody just sit around and meditate because we really and we're going into the fifth dimension ready go that's the kind of ascension that's not gonna happen it's a process and we're going
there it's obvious to some of us confusing and not so obvious to others but at least let this talk make sense so that you can say now things are starting to make a little more sense and as an end result to this by the way you might say so now what's going to happen this is going to continue for not just the Saturn retrograde but the process of Ascension is going to continue and it's going to take probably let's just say one generation between 10 years 20 years 40 years this is all going to shift over it is
we've moved a couple of notches in the last 50 years so you can bet that everything's exponentially at speeding up Jesus calls it in the Course in Miracles the great cosmic speed up so that great cosmic speed-up is going on and the speed up means exponentially things increase so if we moved a couple of notches in 50 years you can bet that in half that time you're going to move a couple more notches that means and within the next you know this and the next generation you can expect some pretty profound things like like more
masses of people getting 25.7 and even higher this is what Jesus meant when he said as to the time no one knows but the father that there's a there's a couple of deep meanings to that because Jesus is one with the father yet even he said I can't give you the exact date of this experience this you know poof where everybody goes home and one of the other reasons he was saying I can't give you an exact date was because technically I might poof three seconds from now you might poof 30 minutes from now thirty years because it's we're all in this
together but the point that we it relates enough and kind of poof metaphorically varies per person so there's no one that can pin the exact date because it's not all going at the same time but also where it does pertain to us as a collective going to a higher level of ascended consciousness even again Jesus is saying I can't give you that date because it is subjective it's subject to our freewill our choice so you know that it will happen it is inevitable it's not maybe it's inevitable how to speed it along
here what this is what I'm saying here if it makes sense do the practical do do the obvious just into it and say if this is true how might I learn to how am I gonna be different today I already said relax hang out check it out don't pin thing because you're moving in and out of a couple different dimensions without realizing it you're becoming a little more ethereal that's why suddenly there's this bizarre you know people allergic to foods they weren't allergic to ten years ago you're
not allergic you can't digest it anymore because you're not physical anymore that's part of what's happening you know we're not manifesting them just the old form of plagues or manifesting ascension and it looks like a plague because we're letting go of the plague called the limited world you know so I pray this has made sense and take practical measures be careful watch yourself in some days don't don't just have the steady the standard diet the standard behavior some days you'll be able to do
this some days that what we have to do is practice being guided in the moment the right diet the right this when is it right to be intimate when is it right to be in a relationship and so on kind of become more adaptable that's how you can best handle this shift to a higher consciousness where it is unlimited so you have to become more unlimited and more adaptable less stuck there dimensional like okay so I pray this has made sense if there is more that I can share you know by all means let me know but all this is going to happen it is
happening now and it will complete within a short period of time and and I want to say one last thing which is those of us who are not five-point or 3.5 or they're rather 3.7 and we're both people or or less there's a point where the three point three people if there's still some on the earth and today there are still some most of them are you know making viral videos about the dumbest things on the planet you know most of them are on reality shows and so on so there's still some of them out there right if they don't get to a certain
level of consciousness like 3.7 and the world says it the planet Gaia is says I'm now ready because we're in a symbiotic relationship our energy her energy when she says okay ready everybody and poof and she goes - it takes kind of a jump three point nine five point one when she does that if you're hanging you know if you're the three point seven you might make that transition with her and turn into light on the other hand a light body if on the other hand you're three point three and you can't make it
what's gonna happen is there's gonna have to be catastrophes that create the death of people of that level not because they're bad so that it can help them break out of their dense bodies so that they can see a little more clearly and stand a chance coming back to incarnate at something a little more close to ethereal so we learn it we get it the easy way or the hard way the hard way would be some people will end up learning the hard way potentially through catastrophe and we're all in this together so we don't want to say
well I'll be 5.02 bad for these guys it's sad for all of us collectively to see anybody remaining and doing the suffering but that it'll happen you know for some that it might have to go that way so that's that's what will happen at the end of the day some will make the transition kind of smoothly some through a breakup a shake up a BAM you know like a divorce that sometimes has to happen it's the divorce from your body so you can come back and start a new life just like you should be doing after a relationship ends and you start a new
life after a job engine you would start a new life but remember start a new life not the same old start a new one with new consciousness new aspirations spiritually and to do all this all such things with God that's your surest way to get there alright so much for your time peace be with all of you and we'll be seeing you soon the bank you