12 Holy Days and Nights of Christmas
Think about this. For the next 12 days -- now this is important because there's people online -- I've heard some people have told me they went and researched some of what I'm going to be describing -- there's people online who are selling the next 12 days of Christmas.
They actually start with Ares the first sign of the zodiac. Totally logical, but it actually isn't the mystical tradition of it. And you'll see when I'm giving you the 12 days and nights why it doesn't start with Ares the logic of the 12 signs of the zodiac you don't start the for 12 days and nights and the 12 signs of the zodiac with Ares you don't you start with a Virgo because of the virgin birth and then watch how the rest of this syncs up so we have Virgo is the first holy day and night of Christmas this is the first night as I said for good
reason you know the virgin birth the Virgo day and night you know it's about accepting our original innocence I'm not telling you about historic I'm telling about you and I we have to for that first day especially concentrate absorb integrate accept our original innocence rather than the guilts and shames that the world taught us now that's a nice affirmation oh yeah I think I'll do that no no it means sit with that sit with it and spend some time on the first day saying you know like like tomorrow we're going to be here for people that want to
join us we're gonna be here we'll watch a movie maybe a cartoon or a movie we're gonna sit or sit on the floor throw some pillows and blankets down if you're coming bring some plank blankets or pillows well throw them all down have some snacks but you know what it is it's like kids I mean that's part of what it's like it's it's an innocence so that's a great way to start this whole process program the first day let's let's lay on the floor and you know watch movies and let our feet kind of rock from back back and forward you know
whatever it is that is to feel like a kid and and and not accept what the world has told us and not just the world who else we yeah I'm we've done that I've made some mistakes I probably can't really think of myself as innocent anymore of urgent anymore you are soon as you decide to be a born-again virgin so this is about focusing on giving birth to that god or goddess and start treating yourself as though you are that god and goddess you know give yourself a little credit and give yourself a little quality of life and worst case in our
just simplify it like this and you've heard me say this many times treat yourself as you would if you were in charge of a child and the child needed you know you're in your custody let's say an eight year old a six year old true all the I say to people just treat yourself the which the way you would an eight year old what would you what would you have them do in this case and in some cases there's an older metaphor you have to use don't date people you wouldn't tell your own eighteen year old to date I mean it's weird it's a
simplest thing treat yourself the way you would somebody you like you know like that's it you know years of counseling could be spared if you just treated yourself you know like somebody you actually like okay holy day and night number two Libra this was known by the way a st. Stephen's Day you know in tradition and religion because he was the first Christian martyr all right but he was martyred because he was demonstrating such faith so on the second holy day and night which is Libra you know that that
weighing things out it's about improving our abilities to discern or make decisions so on day two check in man improving our ability to discern or make decisions things that are in the alignment with the higher good you know what's right for you but also st. Stephens martyred for what show more conviction don't just make better decisions follow through shows and conviction day to will test you accordingly day three Scorpio this is known as the day of st. John so John is the Apostle who wrote the Gospel
of John he was considered the mystic apostle so st. John but he also wrote the book of Revelation which is another reason why they called him the mystic because he was out there totally into deep stuff symbolism so he was into mysticism but he mysticism and Scorpio is is interesting because it navigates the depths of things but it also Scorpio is also about getting a bird's-eye view the Phoenix or the Eagle is one of the symbols for besides the Scorpion or serpent it's also the eagle so getting a bird's-eye view so Scorpio is really the
day the third day Scorpio is all about soul searching soul searching to see man am i holding resentments because you can't soar to the heights of the eagle aspect of Scorpio if you're bound by the weight of hurts resentments all right then we have day 4 day 4 is of course Sagittarius now that's the day they believe Herod had children slain so this is an important piece of symbolism because in our lives on that day you might reflect Journal all the days be journaling you might reflect at times in your life where it felt like things were
sacrificed losses happened but you're supposed to do what if you're a sad what's the symbol of sad which aims high so sad day is to say despite seeming setbacks even dramatic ones keep your focus on the stars keep your focus on higher things does that make sense alright sad the grand plan alright keep your eyes high on day five Capricorn Capricorn this system in the cosmos this constellation is known as the gate of the gods so it was believed that if we were evolved enough to walk through this particular gate it was a way that we
could then birth the god goddess within ourselves at least in his thought mythology but this actually now ends the calendar year and starts the next year that's where we're at in terms of our day 1/2 for five and all that so Capricorn ends the day the the year astrologically so it's going to be coming to an end but Capricorn day and night is about cleansing our self especially addictions lower nature and addictions so that we can reach those new heights you're going through the gate of the gods listen just
like scorpy you can't go through the gate of the gods carrying these old addictions and lower nature so you got to do some good work there then comes the sixth day Aquarius now Aquarius is known associated with the day of King David now King David was great a great he could they call him the god man King David was there's so many things you could say about King David but they say he was as much a great King as Jesus was a savior he was really doing as a human being he was doing his best to really
they say he was a man after God's own heart really doing his best to live the life spiritual life great great soul so this is considered also he's the Aquarian man so it fits that the King David day is also the Aquarian day according to this system sharing with you now this day is trying to tell us how to be balanced how to be balanced gods and goddesses how to be a balance between David as a human King meaning of your life a creator of your life and Jesus or mother Mary and Magdalene how to really be a balance between the
divine symbol of man or woman and the human symbol of man or woman a nice balance between the two that's calling us but there's a thing to watch out for when you're developing the Aquarius self which is don't think you know everything so don't forget the humility that's something King David he's a king but he kept asking God for help and guidance that's what made him great is his humility so remember that during the Aquarian day at night thinking as a we okay day seven Pisces now this is where you have to fish seemingly swimming in
different directions so this is interesting because they it's said that one fish is swimming in the direction of higher development and one towards self-gratification okay that's why Pisces are often known as to drink like fishes so this is literally the end of December as well as being the end of the 12 signs of the zodiac Pisces and that means it's also about endings and new beginnings this Piscean day so the Piscean day is really about learning to go with the flow but it means also because its
endings and new beginnings it's going to be endings now get ready because you're you're sort of maturing spiritually so you have to go through some of your clumsy learning George Harrison was a Pisces loved it you know he had that that Piscean energy all about him but you can just see such an ease spirituality in a lot of Pisces because there's just a natural intuition Edgar Cayce his chart was I think it was very like he was like a double or triple Pisces triple thank you and and it's interesting because I think it was
Manley P Hall an ancient mystic he had tons of Pisces in his chart so it's a very mystical system but again one fish is wanting to swim one direction and the others taking off the other direction so this is about you know choosing in a sense but Pisces that ending and if you look at the symbol their actual glyph for Pisces you'll see that you have two half circles like this with a line connecting them okay two circles like this and if you were to take this as Pisces if you took those two half circles and slid them like this you
would end up with the symbol of the Christ so you're supposed to be able to end all the cycles from Aries all the way around in life the zodiac to Pisces you're supposed to end up the Christ is the point of the story if you walk through all the the tests of the zodiac that's just one layer of the story so the Piscean day and night go with the flow but you're supposed to be developing your spiritual adulthood you're supposed to walk through childlike qualities not not childlike but childish clumsy stuff and into
maturity the eighth is Aries it is literally by no coincidence falls on the first day of the next year so Aries will happen on the first obviously Aries is about new beginnings this is the day they believe Jesus was baptized perfect and he was given a name perfect that just makes total sense me symbolically it means I want to be somebody new this year I want to be different this year more prosperity and so on this about new beginnings and it's also Aries is about also getting away from the ego version of I want to do
things my way I'm gonna jump in headfirst it's like I'll jump in if I'm guided to be jumped in jumping in C so Aries is still about humility it's about yes the force to go but it's through inspiration instead of ego on day nine we have Taurus and this is where we begin the days that honor traditionally the three wise men so the first day of the three wise men Melchior he brings gold he's honoring Jesus as a king by bringing gold symbolically he brings gold but it's a symbol I see you as royalty and he is
because he's part of God the torreón day and night calls us to release release attachments to material things which is wise but it's really cool because Taurus also tells us you can make money out of thin air prosperity Taurus and yet don't be attached again look how many of these are about balance so you know Taurus is is it's okay guys it's okay to have good material things gold you're a child of God you deserve so receive gold not to get attached Sochi how do I know to not get attached how do I prove that by sharing it the
10th Gemini that's the wise man Kaspar and he brings frankincense and that's kind of interesting because the frankincense means he's honoring Jesus as a priest all right now frankincense is interesting because it's a resin and it turns molten when you light it but it was also highly valued for its ethereal qualities and purification qualities so you know some lysing a spiritual part of us you know you kind of know already but Gemini symbolizes the warring twins so this is really about that day and night watch
out for duality just watch out for signs of duality and just what do you do with duality bring them to peace honor both sides but somehow bring them to peace you know and it's this is also this sign is also about making healthy commitments I should add all right next xi is Cancerian now this is Balthazar the the wise man Balthazar and he brings myrrh which is interesting because it's considered valuable yet bitter this particular and incense or resin and it's also used to anoint the dead in that time especially so
Magdalene actually came to Jesus and this is where they talked about her washing his feet and doing this and the oil she brought was myrrh and everybody else was kind of like this whole thing she's doing is this kind of nutty it's weird he was saying she's actually sensing she knows everything that's going to be happening you guys are missing the boat she's with it she's here honoring with myrrh for a reason but it also means you and I we birthed the Christ it's beautiful here's your gold here's
your frankincense but there's a bitterness to this path because the world doesn't always honor it so you know be of good cheer man if you go through that stuff cancer that's you know that's the sign for Balthazar but I want to add this that the can serían tests or lessons is as follows or are as follows it also means those who do the will of God or your family because can Syrians are very they say family oriented but who is your family if you're supposed to be a glorious true Cancerian shot with the light of God
shining through you then the can Syrian would be someone who recognizes their real family rather than waiting around for the old family to get them so this is where you say you know what even family that you get along with does not have priority over you and your relationship with God so can Syrians need to set a priority God first and let God help decide who is your family and start with this God is my father and mother you had a nice dad mom good good the good symbol thank you for well symbolizing as human
beings God but God still my father and mother at the end of the day the world doesn't get that so bless you on ken seryan day and or Cancerian month and for all can Syrians to really realize why you're a Ken serían because you're supposed to learn who your real family is and it's anybody that is your spiritual family that's your real family and everybody will ultimately end up your spiritual family but they don't get it yet so let them go their way let them do their thing to your own self be true last but not least Leo they love being
last not so this was known as simians day and I won't go into the symbol of that but this symbolizes this day symbolizes obviously the constellation of Leo so the Leo day and night is about recognizing the last shall be first and the first shall be last so this is really cool because Leo is like you know Hercules goes through his his lessons of the 12 signs of the zodiac the 12 labors of Hercules but to go through them he ends up slaying a lion and taking its skin and using it as his headdress or cloak meaning clothe yourself in Leo
recognize that you are the Christ Leo child have the the pride of the the tribe of Judea you know say I've got something with me that I need so you you wear that Christ self well and so our 12 days and nights end with Leo but it's not you know because Leo's a lot of people think you know Leo's are just or libras are just such and such there's so many layers to all these these are psychological archetypes they're not linear pinpoints but Leo it's like you know what even if I win all my tests who is the eye I'm going to surrender to the
greater I might eat my Leo I is going to surrender to the spiritual I am and then Leo as a sign as a name as it whatever you know archetype or whatever it happens to be all of a sudden it appears and you're a light version of that at the end of all of life's tests guys we're not a Leo or a Libra we are not even you go from that the lower aspect of every sign you're born with but you're supposed to it by the end of your life have risen to the higher aspect of your sign and there'll be a time where you will be able to say not
only have I done that I've actually lived the highest aspect of all the signs and instead of waiting for that to happen lifetime after lifetime we can do it now in a microcosmic way just get 12 days right for God's sakes man 12 days you know and it's it happens you'll be going like oh this is your first day you're thinking about second day you're focused third day you know seventh and you kind of start to forget and you have some violin on the phone then you're like oh that's so close it's alright it's alright cuz you got next year all
that so far away no you can correct it even at the end of that day if I slip on Leo's day I can close my eyes and correct it in my mind don't accept failure ever just redo it in your mind stay aligned and if you can keep a journal through those 12 days and nights it's not just an interesting talk this is a process that we're discussing it's a process that will make and break people's lives you know this is about step up this is a mystical you know training let's step up and be different
and you can use the next 12 days and nights and any other you know even if you didn't believe in this anything you do to focus on creating a better life is going to help remember at as we end this year we're going to start the next year with a Wednesday night online course on co-creating a new life and that's the same just got the same meaning as the 12 days and nights don't settle let's start a different kind of a day and night so we are gods and goddesses in the making Jesus saying you are ye are gods goddesses we are that thing
and look how far from this two people have I mean the closest thing the planet Earth has anymore to gods and goddess are narcissists people that think they're gods and goddesses but don't act like gods and goddesses they're just rude they run countries crazily they they have no sensitivity they run churches they run all kinds of their families with no sense of care for the the unit itself it's just sad but that's that's the megalomaniac that's taken over it but that's the ego out of control
so I said yesterday one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself in the world is to say no to that and yes affirming to the Christ so let others do as they may but as for me and mine we will live according to the Living God it's a pair of you know sort of a pair of raising something out of the Bible but that's the way to do it I don't I know they don't get it so what while I'm here I'm gonna get it live differently bring things into your home guys Springs you know the tree bring things into your home Fung Shui is not just a science at
practice at art it's a consciousness so Fung Shui but I don't know Fung Shui do I have to go take it in school you could but you could also just go in here too if you've got no other trains just go here and say do I have anything green and living in my house at all you know and put something in I don't have anything go buy a four-leaf clover and glue it to your wall I mean people give up do something to show life do something and as I'm closing I will say that man I do that in my life consistently after after divorce you
know still good friends and all that but still I got my own apartment and I I made it beautiful with a little money I had I still made it beautiful I bought just a few things but they were white and I loved that it had this fresh feeling to it that was symbolic a new beginning you know so there was my white comforter on my bed in there the sump mouse and his big puffy blanket I could lay on if watching movies or whatever just it was something that I still remember it and I still can get exuberant talking
about it that's cuz it was real it was right bring some light into your life if all you've got is a one eye all I had was a studio apartment didn't even have doors you know unweaned a room I mean so you know but it was beautiful just hang some hippy beads you know the ones ago shhh you know do something I don't have a lot of money glitter cost twenty nine cents a square man just get glitter by glitter that's my would do you know and I want to color so I bought I went to one of those fabric stores I'm you knows me man
but a fabric store and I bought ribbon purple blue and green ribbon and streamed it you know from the two sides of my door cause any of your money about ribbon for a buck hung it from each side staple it up there run a the edge of a scissor down it and it sort of curly look it was symbolic of flow color just anything guys they're symbols by a candle anything I bought gold colored things because for some reason that I loved it that was symbolic at that I still love it but just anything do not buy into the
hopelessness of this world color anything anything for your kids you know anything and when you have doubts about how your parenting and how your living and your partnerships in here you know whatever else you're doing and in parenting it's easy to have those doubts so do something different because if you are carrying those doubts they can feel it they can your dogs your cats can sense every self-doubt you have every inadequacy they feel at all so can you try you know just like let's say to ourselves
maybe I can try and bring something different you know music play place stuff that you like play stuff you dance to it's there's always away and that movie that was made it's a Wonderful Life you know people have seen it for a long time and it's still a black-and-white Bo it's an old movie there's still something in there that that says something we should all hear every day there's a part of us that feels hopeless and I did I'd say at times I felt like George Bailey there are times when I thought man nothing's
going right I felt pathetic at times with as a parent and you know I can't give them more of this and I certainly felt that and maybe all of us have and I'm sure all of us have in different ways but what's the moral of the story you get to feeling that you're so bad off you've done so many mistakes you've abused yourself or other people or other people have abused you so much that it's all hopeless but at the end of the day was your life better off without you was this world better off without you and if you think about it if you ever
changed one life and you say to yourself I'm hopeless I'm worthless pause for a minute and imagine if you experienced George Bailey's little vision and you went back and that would mean you would remove the good you brought even if the only one person could you do that with clear conscience and if you've ever heard one person ever say to you you changed my life with clear conscience you can't go because it almost starts to feel selfish that you're feeling low you would take that away from them you say no you really wouldn't but if by chance
you say I don't even have one person I've ever helped which is impossible impossible everybody has on some way we even without knowing but even if you could say that let me tell you this start now just anything go to the store and pay somebody's ten dollar bill in the cash register to whatever they call the Delaine do that and and you might say but that's no big deal you have no idea how many times that person didn't have the money and they don't know how it was that you knew to give them the ten bucks
now the person's going this is weird I was just praying for some miracle now that means you're ten bucks suddenly affirmed there's an existence of God do you want to take that from them by saying I just because I don't have more because I don't have five cars I'm gonna take everything away you know no I'm sorry that we sometimes are given pieces at a time sorry meaning I feel for you but I understand that there's a design to these things there's an amazing design and everybody has forgotten it we all
forget it at different times but there's an amazing design it's we surrender to that if we could surrender to that everything's different you start to become more patient and so on and I as a as a person that I am I know so much I know where this world's going to hell in a handbasket I know also the hope of the Christ presence in all of us I know that the ego world is worthless and the real world is great I know all this so it's hard to carry that and try to convey that to people knowing that they're gonna do it at a very slow pace
Michael we get a while that was an amazing talk so we'll start working on it's like you know one minute they're like yeah yeah and it's like you know there's a part of me it's like ah you know come on and so I have that inside and and it's one of my greatest gifts and challenges to know and feel the exuberance you guys some of you have it and to see that not everybody wants it yet that's challenging because you think you guys if only you'd be happier don't you want that not really
it's like weird look here's an answer here's an answer yeah thanks you know maybe next year it's it's a it's a strange thing so god bless those of you who attend these kinds of talks or use me as a counselor and god bless you because on some level you must trust me because when I give advice I don't give casually I don't do casual talks and say here's a talk to of something that might be interesting it might work I mean I tell things like Buddha said work with what works so I think it's great and whatever difference you can make in the
world believe in it you know don't drag your feet because they're gonna pick that up and drag their feet more more and more people you're gonna see as you start to own the truth that you believe in the truth they're gonna get it and start living it and I'm grateful that I see a lot of that I mean like a room like this packed with people that you know can trust Italy something right you're gonna hear something decent and if you're not sure about it try it practice any of this and you might see a big difference there are a couple of
great astrologers I would recommend you know like Kathy hunter do it does classes here and charts here and so on on my website online store there's some charts I would recommend that you start the year you can get a progression or a chart for the coming year or just even a soulless purpose type of chart guys start the year with some greater direction than you had even if you're thinking of moving you get a chart related to relocation the the astro cartography charts or relocation charts do something with more consciousness get
some guidance get those colored streamers on the side of your doors and the hippie beads and glitter and prosperity charts and let's have a guided life this year can I hear an amen yeah baby all right where's your hand right we're going to have a candle lighting ceremony everybody and it shouldn't take very long it's just a few minutes meditation the ushers are going to come down the aisles and the people watching online you can get a candle to stay safe keep your candle vertical when it's lit keep
it away from your hair so be very mindful careful I light the candles of the people next to you we hold that begin lighting the candles hold them in front of you in front of your heart center very cool now just about time all the candles are lit and the people at home and if you don't have a candle that's okay just imagine okay all right take a moment and look at the light the flame like a gazing exercise and just
really really absorb that image the picture of the light and then make sure your candle is where it should be nice and safe but close your eyes for a moment and imagine the flame still in your mind see the flame even though my eyes are closed I can still see the light open your eyes again and look at the light this light symbolizes the light within all beings it symbolizes the spirit spark flame that shot from the
original light of God that flame that light that is in me that light it is me this light symbolizes not just my soul but my Christ 'add soul place a hand behind the flame and blow out the candle and close your eyes when you're ready blow it out carefully close your eyes and continue to still see the flame blow out the candles and still see the flame the IM presence of god mailbox verdict readings the I am spiritual flame this is me I choose to believe that that light is in
me a live active warm and illuminating even when I can't see it I know that it's there and I choose to live this light on a day-to-day basis I just accept the knowingness that God fills my mind throughout the day be in my mind when I wake my father mother God and shine on me throughout the day today let every minute be a time in which I dwell with you let me not forget my minute-by-minute Thanksgiving that you have remained with me and always will hear my call and will answer me as evening comes let all thoughts be still
of you and of your love let me sleep sure of my safety at night certain of your care and happily aware that I am your holy child I am as God created me I will to be the Christ on earth I joined the knowingness that peace now fills my mind be still my mind and think a moment upon this the earth is still along with me in this stillness we find the peace of God peace be to me and peace be to all the world in holiness was I created and in holiness do I remain father mother God it is your peace that I give receiving
it from you I am your holy child forever just as you created me for the great raise remained forever still and undisturbed within me I reached to them in silence and uncertainty for no where else can certainty be found I rest in God I rest awhile with you my father mother God in peace I am as God created me I will to be the Christ on earth I join annoyingness that I wake today with miracles correcting my perceptions of all things and so begins a day that I share with you father mother God as I will share eternity for time now steps
aside I do not seek things of time and so I will not look upon them what I seek today transcends all laws of time and things perceived in time I forget all things except for your love I abide in you and know no laws except your laws of love I find the peace which you created for your children all of us forgetting all the foolish toys that we made I behold your glory instead as my own I am as God created me I will to be the Christ on earth I join Slee except the knowingness that I'm surrounded by the love of God today I let
things be as you father mother God created them and I give your holy children they honor do their purity today I leave creation free to be itself I honor all its parts in which I am included I am one with each part which contains your memory the truth must shine in all of us as one through this I am redeemed through this the truth will enter where illusions were light now replaces darkness and I know the I am as you created me I am as God created me I will to be the Christ on earth I joyfully accept the knowingness that each soul has a Christ self who brings divine
plans into remembrance I know my divine plan I know every aspect of my divine plan and what it will take to fulfill that plan I know my soul's purpose and you guide me to living that soul's purpose now I'm free from all spiritual blindness that would conceal my true purpose I call upon Archangel Michael to purify my beliefs in order to make my mind the chalice of the mind of Christ I am as God created me I will to be the Christ on earth the light that I am i choose to know believe and live the light that i
am you are my brothers and sisters take a moment to see a few people that have really well mirrored the christ light to you any teacher any person male or female black or white throughout any time whoever comes up to your mind give thanks to them for being a great vision of the Christ and then think of a few people who have challenged you not depicting much the Christ and have enough strength core conviction to say even though in you the Christ appeared to be so hidden I affirm that it's there I refuse to hate the parts that didn't reflect the Christ because that's not
the real you I choose to have learned the lessons I needed to learn from the experience with you and I affirm the Christ in you and I release you to find that beloved brother or sister because if you do you would never need to harm yourself or anyone else and I'm so grateful to be a part of that I'm so grateful to be a part of your awakening even if you don't know that your awakening yet and I might be the very first person in your lives that ever had the faith to affirm your goodness and I'm very humbled at that so
again we imagine that we're holding that candle we imagine the flame is still flickering and we imagine now not the solid candle with a real flame we imagine in our mind we reach into the heart of the people we've struggled with and we leave the candle with the flame lend and do that with each of a few people that you might have struggled with when the Christ child was born it is said that the universe itself the angels but every subatomic particle an atomic particle sang peace on earth and goodwill to man it meant that that's how much good can come and the miracles that
can come from the Christ's presence not just the birth of Jesus that would embody the Christ but in any of us we have so much goodness in us that when we choose to act more like gods and goddesses and Christ selves the universe itself says thank you it's powerful but we don't know how to hear it much anymore well people can hear it when you learn to say thank you and be kind and show them value and then when Jesus meets people he consistently said peace be with you when he calms the sea peace peace he's affirming not making
something happening he's affirming what's already there but not a parent and all were asked to do in our lives is that very same thing believing in people even when they have forgotten who they really are a couple of breaths of deep thanks that we've heard something learned something today experience something that we're going to allow and commit to a major change in our lives committing to all 12 days being changed during the next 12 days even when we slip will shift and come back bounce back
and we give thanks