“Michael, your newsletter article spoke my heart in so many ways, and I want to tell you how much I appreciate your writing it. To be spiritual leaders in a church is not an easy task, and there are many pits into which one can fall. As we are all experiencing intense refining of our beings, especially at this time of being bathed in such powerful frequencies constantly streaming in; holding the focus of living our lives in integrity, clarity, and peace with everyone around us can be a challenge. This challenge intensifies further when a certain cash flow (or other material things) is needed to sustain even a simple lifestyle, not to mention to keep a church running smoothly. This keeping up with the physical world can be overwhelming at times for those who really are dedicated to living the LOVE in their true calling…but we must keep our focus that there is nothing more important than being the LOVE we are with everyone in everything, no matter what situation presents itself…and I see this truly is the desire of your heart. So thank you! Also, we all need to feel the loving embrace of our Light Family. I want to thank you for the work you do to continue to support the connection of LOVE at Unity and to keep it a safe and joyful place to embrace one another Heart to Heart and Spirit to Spirit. We are blessed to be a part of this family in all the ways we can.”

–M, AZ