“I just want to write you to THANK YOU again for the great change you gave to our life. I feel so much alive. My husband cannot believe what is happening to our sex life, nor can I. It feels like I am another person! I am no longer feeling the weird feelings I used to have when I am having sex with him or when he touches me. I used to hate it! I couldn’t even kiss him. When he touched me I felt awful! And this was for many, many years! Furthermore, I had sex with my husband only as an act of duty for over ten years and even then, I would never kiss him. I couldn’t! I felt sick to do it. Well tonight we had such a great time! I am FEELING SO NICE! I can now kiss him with passion! And we have fun having sex. Also, I am taking greater care of my body, my art is more expressive, and I am working with more passion. And really feel more alive than before. Thank you for helping me. You are really an angel of God!”

–P, ON