“Dear Michael, Thank you for your time and energy this past weekend-your presence is always such a treat. I speak for several people who heard you on Sunday when I say that your message was incredibly profound and powerful. In your inimitable style-you delivered a beautiful message that opened our hearts and touched our souls. I know you hear it all the time, but You, dear Michael, are quite the blessing! All of us felt that the information you presented was perfect for the day-any day for that matter. A seminar or retreat on the subject of Mother and Father Love and healing; sharing how our relationships with our Mothers and Fathers reflect our relationships with God could touch so many people. It resonated with all of us-our beliefs around the feminine and masculine aspects of God are present in every encounter. I left wishing my daughter had been there. Looking forward to your next visit.

In love and gratitude for all you do.”

–Leslye, AK