“I am writing to thank you for leading me through the initiation of Mary Magdalene in our private session. What can I say? You know so much, it is fascinating and inspiring me. Previously, my challenges were social phobia, panic attacks, afraid of men, co-dependence, etc . . . But, after my session with you I signed up for a few courses that will now get me back out into the world. Also, the people who you helped me forgive during the session ended up calling me a few days after our work together and they apologized. I am happier and I smile more. My attitude is friendlier than before. I am still shy, but I am more approachable. I talk to people everywhere I go. I even got asked out on a date the DAY AFTER OUR SESSION. I’ve even committed to seeing a personal trainer and getting back in shape. Lastly, my energy level has improved and I am able to see more clients than ever before. I’ve spent thousands on other healers and therapists (Reiki, NLP, hypnosis, theta, to name a few . . . ), but the improvements were minimal. I don’t know through which miracle I have trusted you, but I did and I am glad, and now I see great changes. Thank you! I hope it is rewarding for you knowing that your work helped me so much. I took the time to write it down because you deserve to know.”

–D, FL