Praise From Articles by Michael Mirdad

A Course in Miracles

Broken down to very effective, while easily digestible .12 Primary Concepts, this book is my Keeper, for a long time to come. Step into the Light

Flamma Jamma

Deeper insight

Being A Course in Miracles student since the late 1990’s the book gave me a still deeper understanding of the course. I would recommend it to someone familiar with ACIM who would like a bit more clarification. It does a good job in summarizing what is to take place in the world to end the dream of separation.

Joe T.

Love it!

I love anything Michael Mirdad does He is awesome

Susan M Gunther

If you were to read only one book on A Course In Miracles, this is the one.

Michael offers the most complete picture of the course, along with easy-to-learn steps that guide the reader to a full understanding of how we got here and how to best find our way Home. Powerful while concise, Mirdad illustrates his mastery of the material and his flexibility in adapting it for modern day readers. He blends the threads of countless spiritual sources into a tapestry that reads more holistically than any supplemental ACIM text I’ve seen.

Matthew John

A MUST have if you are a student of ACIM or want to discover what ACIM is all about.

I have been studying the course for almost 3 years. Have read several books about ACIM but that one top them all.
I discovered Michael Mirdad 3 months ago and deeply resonate with the way it teaches what he learned on its life journey with A Course in Miracles.
This book is definitely a must have. Each chapter brings so much depth to the understanding and application of the course. I will cherish this book for years and use it as a reference…just after the Course itself.

Catherine Chevalier Defrenne

I love his writing…

I heard Michael speak on a Podcast and I knew I needed this book. I have only just begun it but it is exactly as I expected I love his writing so far on understaning the course



ACIM from the Heart

By far the best book I have purchased to help me to understand and apply the concepts from A Course In Miracles. Many thanks to Michael Mirdad



Love It

I purchased this book because I’ve always wanted to read A Course in Miracles. But reading the entire book seemed so daunting to me; like reading the bible all over again. It even has those bible thin pages. The title of the book appealed to me. It felt like the Cliff Notes to ACIM. And hey, if I can pass tests on Cliff Notes then I am sure I can grasp the ACIM principles the same way. From the first chapter of this book I found myself with an intense desire to actually read A Course in Miracles. I have even pulled out one of my 18 copies of ACIM. I swear I don’t know where they all came from. I know I’ve never bought a copy. It’s like the Universe pretty much yelling at me, “Read this please.” Like the joke where the guy asked God why he didn’t save him from drowning and God replies, “Look I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”

One reviewer commented that Michael used a mishmash of ideologies/religions/thoughts which misrepresent the course. Personally, I feel that incorporating the use of varied religions, ideology and quotes is a cultural courtesy and helps a broader and more diverse audience to understand the concepts in ways that speak to them personally. Interpretation of “The Course” or any such text is and always has been personal. This book is an outline the concepts or principles and not an interpretation. At least this is the way it reads to me.

I can really appreciate the 12 concepts which put me in mind of the 12 disciples or 12 states of consciousness. I am really enjoying this book. I find myself reading just a few pages at a time and taking time to digest them. With a tendency toward speed reading this is a new experience for me. I feel that I really have a great primer for the ACIM and am excited to get started reading it.

I am also really enjoying the exercises at the end of each chapter. I love how Michael expands on things like Ho’oponopono and Corinthians. The one thing that does not resonate with me though is the line “I’m sorry.” Just can’t say it, I choose to say “I apologize.” Saying that I’m sorry sounds too much like an affirmation of what I don’t want to be and doesn’t sound like an action. Saying that I apologize sounds like an action and not a statement of being. But that is a personal preference!

I am not sure how or why but the book has given me not only the desire to start ACIM but an excitement about it. That, in itself, is a miracle in my book.

Patrice Ellen

A clear view of why and how we practice judgement …

A clear view of why and how we practice judgement and blame that keeps us from finding our innocence and true freedom and peace. Michael Mirdad explains A Course in Miracles so very well, with a practicality that helps understand how apply these principles in our lives.


The BEST source for understanding the underlying message of A Course in Miracles

I have been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1990. This is one of the most concise books I have ever read that is associated with the Course that really gets to the core concepts, and explains them in a way that anyone can understand. It is really amazing how deep the author can take us in such an easy to understand style. This is a must read for ANYONE who is interested in A Course in Miracles. It will explain it in ways like no other source, so that you can start LIVING the concepts presented. And as you do, your life changes in the most beautiful, miraculous ways!

Linda Mae Costello

Five Stars

Love the book, helps with ACIM and links to a lot of like material.

Larry Schmier

Inspired work!

As a long-time student of A Course in Miracle (the “Course”), reading books based on It can get my ego in a twist! ;). But Michael’s book, for the most part, did just the opposite — it’s helpful, calming and a great Course supplement. Of course, I found a few things to complain about but, focusing on content not form, Michael’s pure intent is clear and he has succeeded at being truly helpful. Also, the contribution this book makes to help “heal the separation illusion” (The Atonement process) is clear. I certainly feel more integrated and calm just knowing this book exists (and others need it too!) and that Michael and others are “out there” forming an army of loving people with pure hearts and the goal of following God’s Loving Guidance. Knowing the massive numbers of Atonement soldiers are on the march gives me hope in this upside down world (which has ALWAYS been upside down). While reading Michael’s book, I found myself applying the Course concepts in a slightly different way and also found myself explaining them to others a bit differently (although stumbles, on my part, still apply). Overall, I greatly enjoyed the book and put it down when I started to feel strain. That “feeling of strain” is inevitable for me when undoing my tremendous ego and that strain is usually followed by a nap. Hopefully naps helps me integrate spiritual concepts, otherwise I’m doomed! I’m glad to know Michael is out there listening for Divine Guidance and fighting the good fight on our behalf 🙂 I must say, as an author myself, , after 20 years studying It, I could not have written such a great summary of the Course myself and that pisses me off! LMAO. As much as I love the Course it it still confuses me at times but I’m certainly waiting for the tap on the shoulder to give me the clarity I’m looking for and hopefully the next book in the Atonement will be penned by my greatly-willing hand. Yet, I doubt it — I seemingly belong in corporate America spreading the WORD OF GOD with my laugh 🙂 I’ve personally read the Course, cover to cover, over 5 times and finished the 365 lessons over a 3 year period. I’ve been attempting to live the Course (at times quite Miraculously) and it has been a wild ride (I actually left corporate America and was a hypnotist for years until Jesus told me to get back to work! LOL). The Course, when I picked it up in the mid 90’s, was the first book I wanted to throw across the room in horror. But I kept coming back for more and it clearly speaks to me as TRUTH (TRUTH can surely piss our ego off!). I also almost tossed Michael’s book across the room but overall, reading it was a peaceful experience and very helpful. Michael’s book helped me integrate some of the Course concepts further. The Course itself says that It is one of many paths. It also says that It is a “required Course”, Hence, that must mean the only required Course is the course back to God and that course can take many forms (although A Course in Miracles saves time). Michael’s use of other religious and philosophical concepts in the book were more than appropriate and, in fact, helpful. My only complaint, which is quite silly because I do the same thing, has to do with his the handling of the topic of the BIG BANG and making it sound a bit real. To me, the BIG BANG is almost as crazy as the FACT that we are all hurtling through space at 67,000mph on a big rock around a big ball of fiery nuclear fusion. When you think about it, FACT is sometimes harder to believe than the the premise that this world and universe are an illusion. Crazy, I know — I am a lover of science. I dig FACT and do believe FACTS exist even here. Yet, I cannot deny the insanity of this existence that we are making up as we go along (WAKE UP ADAM!). Well, before I go to far, I REALLY LIKED “THE HEART OF A COURSE IN MIRACLES” A LOT 🙂 (and to my fellow authors or grammar geeks, while you internally criticize my grammar, my use of CAPS. LOLs and funky punctuation, ThAT IS WhY I HIrEd AN EDItOR for my book! LMAO. Peace and please focus on content not form — it works and makes you a happier and deeper human being. Happy dreams!)
George A. Wissing

The Harvest of a Lifetime

In this his latest book, Michael Mirdad shares the harvest of a lifetime of spiritual seeking and teaching. Both the beginning and the advanced seekers of Truth will benefit from reading this clear, in-depth, and comprehensive treatment of the spiritual pathway Home. With many concrete applications of spiritual Truths, “The Heart of A Course in Miracles” is a book that any reader can open at random to find meaningful applicable inspiration for everyday living. This interesting and very helpful book is not just abstract theory but concrete application–a major plus.

Lynne Matous

In “The Heart of A Course in Miracles”, Michael …

In “The Heart of A Course in Miracles”, Michael Mirdad exquisitely identifies & explains “12 Primary Concepts” of A Course in Miracles. From there, he distills these concepts into language any ACIM student or teacher can follow. An invaluable tool to help us understand & remember core ACIM tenets .


I love Michael Mirdad and nearly all that he has to …

Next to A Course In Miracles this book is the closest I have come to understanding the truth of ourselves. Astounding simplicity, with such a practical approach to life. I love Michael Mirdad and nearly all that he has to share so I am extremely happy with this book. This is not a book I would lend as I would see this as a reference guide always, but I would purchase this for someone else as a real gift.


Shirley Benson


LOVED this book! Wonderful companion as I study A Course in Miracles. Beautiful and helpful insights throughout. So grateful for the clarity I received reading this book.

jill jurcago

Love the book

Love the book, I have been reading the Course for many years, however, Michael has a way of opening your eyes to the real meat of the course.
The book is wonderful.



Five Stars

absolutely love the way Michael relates ACIM. by far my favorite book on the course!


Amazon Customer

I love this book!

This is an excellent book. Its easily understood and more importantly, felt in the heart. Its a book I’m going to read over and over again. Its a main staple for every spuritual library.

Kelley Daniel


I am so thrilled to have this book as a tool of reference for every single part of my life. As a student of A Course In Miracles I stumble around a bit trying to understand its deepest concepts. Michael in this book has taken each one of the core principles the Course teaches and broken them down in a way that I am able to much more easily understand them and apply them to my life. I suggest this book to any Course student and most importantly Course teachers as they will find leading groups with it will take their students further into their own processing and aid them in developing a greater spiritual connection. Even a new student on the path can appreciate how Michael takes Bible references, quotes from the Course and other spiritual teachers to help us understand the illusionary journey we think we have made away from God back to the remembrance of who we truly are when we begin to find forgiveness for ourselves, with others and in everything!


Marie Henry

I highly reccomend this book!

I feel peace in my soul and joy in my heart when I hear Michael Mirdad speak and I read his books. This book has satisfied my hunger for truth! Love you, Michael!


Pam Bush

If you want A Course in Miracles clarified and demystified …

If you want the text and messages of “A Course in Miracles” clarified and demystified? This is THE book to help with this. It is deep, but it is clear and in practical language and concept. It is a text book on the book that can change you inside and out!

Joan Belle

A book to experience!

I first want to comment on the aesthetics of the book. It is the perfect book size making it very comfortable to hold. The book cover is sturdy, made to last and to endure much use, and the edges are well bound. Font size and line spacing are perfect, making it not only easy but a pleasure to read.
Now, on to the content of the book – I have read through the first 4 principles and feel I can comfortably provide a review trusting the remainder of the book will not disappoint. I have been a Course in Miracles student for many years and currently facilitating a slow growing study group in Prescott Valley. As with other students of ACIM, there came a moment in my mind in which I realized that ACIM is a compilation of every book, every thought out there sharing the Truth of who we really are, the Oneness of our Being. However, as simple as the Truth is, understanding the layers upon layers of information provided through the Course can be very daunting. There are many books written to simplify the process of learning the Course in Miracles content. Most of these writings come from an analytical or intellectual point of view. While helpful to a certain degree, I was looking for more. The text of ACIM is essential in teaching us the principles; but, I believe that to truly understand what we are learning / have learned we have to experience these principles through their use in our lives. And they have to resonate in a way that facilitates daily practice. While the Lessons in ACIM are meant to help us experience the text, they don’t easily resonate with students, and often times daily practice becomes less diligent. When a person experiences the peace, the joy, the sense of oneness, the Christ in themselves extended to the Christ in others (the Holy Encounter / Instant .. the miracle in ACIM) if even for one moment in time, it creates a yearning in them to experience it more. And with that continued experience begins to come the understanding of all that the Course is. Michael’s book is written from the Heart space .. I believe the Soul purpose of this book is to empower us to experience the Course in just this way. And when we begin to master the primary principles he walks us through in his book, our experiences will allow us deeper understanding into the Course in Miracles. For those who expect this book to be another intellectual aside to A Course in Miracles, I do not believe this to be it’s intent. It is meant to touch our hearts, allow us to feel, to experience that return to Love (our right mindedness) to allow God’s miracles into our lives. Because the more love we feel, the more we open ourselves to receive, the more we extend to others, the greater and stronger our connection to each other and All That Is. And this book does this for me. It resonates within my heart. I believe it will do this for many. I am most thankful to Michael for being open and receptive to the inspiration he received allowing us this gift from the Heart of All That Is. I am most thankful to Spirit for the gift.



Makes understanding the Course in Miricles information easier

Brilliant work by Michael Mirdad. Makes understanding the information in A Course in Miricles much easier to understand. Deep and profound presented in Michaels unique style.

crystal gaye philip, Australia

A must buy by Michael Mirdad

Everything that Michael does is great. I have read all his books and attend Unity where he speaks. This book is a more clear understanding for me of the course in miracles.



I found that Michael gave a clarity to the Course that I found easy to comprehend

I have owned the Course in Miracles book for a long time. I would pick it up and start and then put it away. It was through Michael’s book that I was able to finally embrace the Course teachings with a different understanding. I found that Michael gave a clarity to the Course that I found easy to comprehend.


Great explanation and amazing spirit.

I have been reading a course in Miracles and this book brought it to me in a much easier to understand method. You have an amazing spirit and it flows through your book to each of us that desires to accept it.




Very helpful in understanding the major concepts within A Course in Miracles. Well written by someone that clearly has a very good grasp of the subject.

Mike Hall, United Kingdom

This book by Michael Mirdad takes A Course in Miracles to a whole new level of understanding.

I have the original course in miracles book. And for many years have been attempting to read it the whole way through. It’s a bit daunting to do. When Michael Mirdad‘s new book came out it was a no-brainer for me to purchase it. I’ve read most of his books and he has a way of getting to the heart of the matter on any subject he chooses. Bringing it to the level of understanding and conciseness yet simplicity in its greatest form. I highly recommend this book as it truly does touch on the heart of a course in miracles. Everything is there that you need to know.

MJ Holland

LOVE—you have to read this book!

I highly enjoyed this book and have recommended it to countless friends and family. I also recommend the book about “The Divine Child” by Michael Jones; they are complementary. I plan to read both again and again AND to buy some of Michael Mirdad’s other books. Namaste, friends!
